Usage in Blueprints

Call an Action

To execute an action we have to use the Action node.

You can find it by right clicking on a graph and searching for "Action":

Add Action

Then we have to assign the action class we want to use.

Set Action

After this, all its variables and delegates will show up for you to use and the action is ready to execute.

Create an Action

To create an action, we have to go to
content browser -> right click -> Blueprint Class

Right Click on content browser

Then we select "Action" class or one of Action's children

Select Action class

Then we open the blueprint we created.

All actions have 3 main events:

  • Activate: When it gets created
  • Tick: When it ticks, if it is enabled. TickRate is applied.
  • Finish: When the action finished and why (Success, Fail or Cancel)

Make sure your actions call Succeed or Fail. Otherwise the action will run until its owner is destroyed or the game closes.

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