Quick Start

Quick Start will show the basic steps to follow to setup the plugin and start using it at a base level.

Setting Up the Project

We can start by creating an empty project (How to create UE4 projects) or instead using your own. Then installing the plugin from marketplace or inside Plugins folder (See Installation).

If everything went right, we should see the plugin enabled under Edit->Plugins->Piperift

Plugin Enabled

Actions Extension doesn't require anything else to work. 🎊

Creating The action

Lets start by creating a very simple action.

First we go to the content browser, right click, Blueprint Class

Right Click on content browser

Then we select Action class (or any other child class of Action)

Select Action class

Then we open the blueprint we created and add the following functions on Activate. This will be called when the action starts its execution, then wait 1 second, and finish.

Simple action

Make sure your actions call Succeed or Fail. Otherwise the action will run until its owner is destroyed or the game closes.

Calling The action

Now that we have our action ready, we have to execute it. For that we will go to our level blueprint.

Open level blueprint

Then from our BeginPlay we add the node "Action"

Add Action

Finally, we assign the action we created previously to the class pin

Set Action

The Result

After all the previous steps we will see that the message prints exactly 1 second after we hit play.

Quick Start Play

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